Number of bids: 1
Sold at E-bay Auction for :$5,251.00
Comes with papers and case.
History of the $100 Union.
The $100 Union was first proposed by bankers and business in San Francisco in 1854 to facilitate large monetary transactions in California,
where banknotes were not readily accepted by the public. The proposal was defeated by Eastern Congressmen who felt such coinage was unnecessary because banknotes were widely accepted in other areas of the country and that these large denomination coin were jist not needed. $100 Unions were never struck in any form by the U.S. mint or by private concerns.
However, detail drawings of such coin were found at the Smithsonian Institution in a recently discovered sketch book produced by George T. Morgan. These previously unknown drawing make a case that there may have been some discussion to
issue not only HalfUnion ($50) gold coins, but also a Union ($100 coin) in the 1870s.
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