Number of bids: 13
Sold at Ebay Auction for :$470.00
A book about Ballart fish hatcher from 1870 to 1987. Limited edition, leather cover # 33/100.
Total 3 books for this auction.
Ballarat in Victoria is a historic gold mining town.
The Ballarat Fish Acclimatisation Society still operates today, carefully guarding the gene pool of wild trout propagation through a decade long drought. Privately run by a band of stalwarts from Ballarat they differ from most Australian trout hatcheries in that they harvest wild trout eggs from local fisheries rather than the brood fish programs as conducted by most government hatcheries.
This book written in the 1980's by Bob O'Brien was launched in 1988 to coincide with the City of Ballarat's 150 year celebrations. With a forward by former prime minister and keen fly fisher, the Hon. Malcolm Fraser; it is a faithful historical account of the rich and turbulent times of raising trout for well over a century.
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